Thursday 4 December 2014

America Criticized:

this website looks at the statistics that wars that the US have created and partaken in in the name of war on terror have resulted in. the costs of war are shown here to be wide ranging and cruel.
On the website the Social, Economical and Political costs the US is experiencing under the name of war. Economically war is costing the US trillions in supporting their troops in various locations and socially war is leading to the slow but definite erosion of rights and freedoms through both immediate responses to attacks fueled by fear and racism and the cover up in the media of precisely what the wars are  doing to the USA. It is evident from the facts being presented that the Watson Institute for International Studies is not supportive of the wars or any political action that the federal government has taken recently in an attempt to control the possibly exaggerated terror threat that followed 9/11. Similarly the institute is critical of the amount that the US federal government is 'wasting' on these largely fruitless military efforts and how it is destroying political relations and rights around the world.

What this website also provides are alternatives of how to deal with the terror that the USA is so desperate to wage war on. The website states that evidently the military tactics aren't working as an offense or a defense as shown in this picture:
however it is evident that even though the military offence is the least effective it is the method that has the most force and effort put in to it. it is unsurprising that to find here that the methods of alternative action are stressed  away from military terror on US soil and closely monitoring and publishing the deaths and other losses that the US military makes over seas. This would lead to greater openness between the government and the people of the world which would inadvertently lead to a re establishment of rights and hopefully political relations in the far future.

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