Pro Gun Control-
Anti Gun Control- (Women Against Gun Control)
This is an issue that is increasing in importance day after day in America. Statistics state that over 30,000 are killed by firearms each year in the USA, 1/3 of them are under the age of 20, and is the primary cause of death amongst African-Americans. Not only are countless numbers of lives being taken but they are usually the young population that are dying far to quickly. Not only does this cite gun control as a clear problem but also delinquency amongst teens aswell which is also rife in the States.
The Brady Campaign is a website to promote the control of guns. What is important to point out is that they are not clamouring to disallow guns on a whole scale they are taking a different approach. They talk about not wanting to take away anyone Second Amendment Right which is a huge source of debate in America. They also say that Policies such as “universal background checks” on all gun sales would keep guns out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, the dangerously mentally ill and other illegal purchasers and in doing so prevent the unlawful and preventable killing of innocent people.
In clear contrast to this when we take the view of the Women against gun control website, the views are slightly different. If you read the women's pledge on guns it is farcical to the fullest, one of the things that they pledge is that "you don't believe that guns cause crimes". As they say denial isn't just a river in Egypt as events laden throughout the USA past would suggest that this is not true. On the website they also send a message to politicians, particularly females ones. The website carries with the theme "We do not support gun control" and "teach politicians some manners" "the second right amendment is equal rights amendment" these are some outrageous statements, particularly the last two and highlights their feeling on gun control perfectly. It seems to suggest that democratic politicians are being discourteous for wanting to implement gun control measures to prevents the killing of innocent people
To conclude, I don't even think its necessary to state which one I agree with. All I will do is point to the story of Trayvon Martin who lost his life because one man hadn't lost his right to own a gun.
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