From 1930's america to today the urban sections of america have changed vastly.
Traditional views that the poor sticks with the poor, in the poor areas while the rich stick with the rich in the wealthy areas both creating their own communities with what they could afford and, in the case of the poorer families, a strong sense of community and the importance of survival even though they lived in terrible cramped conditions that most of them would never escape. By the 21st Century this reality is largely dead however; in America's individualized culture collective efforts to keep poor people in a single house in probably the best living conditions that they could have hoped for, are a thing of a past. It is every man for himself now on the streets and hidden in the back alleys.

with more homeless people around everyday lives if civilians as the modern picture suggests, this should make poverty in modern day urban America easier to spot because the poor live among the rich and privileged, only not in the same conditions. People living on the streets in ht numbers that they do have however lead to (wealthy) people managing to condition themselves to ignore the issue that is staring them so blatantly in the face, which unlike the 30's where the problem was confined to poor areas so much more so and the government did more to directly benefit the poverty stricken than they do currently. the issue is that when the poor were grouped together it was easy to see how many of them there were all at once; action needs to be taken and its clear where to focus. When the homeless and poor are spread out among the cities and rich people its easy to ignore, a single homeless man would hardly affect most people, because they simply can't see the scale of the problem that they are involuntarily encountering and its difficult for the media to judge and report on it.
In both images it shows the utter fail of the american dream, as I don't think its possible for people to be so lazy that they cant even feed themselves and so these people are poor because of circumstance and rotten luck and none of it had anything to do with how hard they worked or how much they sought after their dreams.
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