Wednesday 1 October 2014

Demographic map of the United States of America.

I decided to use this map as I found the location of the African Americans surprising due to the fact that it was in the southern states where the African Americans were most discriminated against for numerous years after the abolition of slavery. However, it was because of the discrimination against the coloured population even through the 20th Century which meant that laws were made to ensure they received equal treatment with the white Americans, subsequently the former confederate states of North America became more accepting of the African American people's. I also found this map interesting as it confirms the idea of safety in numbers, which is evident through the highest percentages of African Americans being clustered together in the Southern States, even some 40+ years after the implementation of many equality laws. In the southern states, there are more laws protecting black people meaning that they feel more comfortable living there, as opposed to the north where there is still a lot of prejudice against coloured or African American people even today.


1 comment:

  1. What are you on about? The fact that the highest concentration of black people is STILL on the banks of the Mississippi and in the areas where they were kept as slaves surely proves that much of the black population has never had the capital available to migrate. Black people have never been treated equally in the South, and those that moved to the North during the Great Migration were escaping an oppressive and violent system of white supremacy. Although still discriminated against in the North, those that moved away from the South have done much better. Lynchings and the confinement of the black population to inner cites don't strike me as proof of equal treatment. And do you honestly think that there's no prejudice against black people in the South? White supremacy has been built into the very social fabric of the south, Mississippi's state flag still has the southern saltaire in it and Alabama has only stopped flying it on the grounds of the State capitol. It is natural for humans to dissipate and move around, but much of the black population has been kept in the South by economic forces that have trampled upon their fiscal independence.
